Name | Li-Chen Cheng |
Office Tel No. | 請以 Email 聯繫老師,謝謝。 |
Autobiography |
Starting in 1979, Dr. Li-Chen Cheng had worked as a family social worker at Taipei Family Helper Project of Chinese Children’s Fund whose main function was to help female headed families regaining their family functions. She received her doctoral degree on social work from Washington University at St. Louis between 1990 and 1995. Between 1995 and 1998, she started her academic career at the Department of Social Work of the Soochow University. Since 1998, she moved to the Department of Social Work of the National Taiwan University and became a full professor in 2005. She has been teaching regularly family social work, poverty issues and social work intervention research. Her research area of interest has been focusing on developing anti-poverty strategies. Since 2000, she has been involved in developing and evaluating anti-poverty programs based on assets for many local governments in Taiwan. She became an expert on assets-based welfare theory in Taiwan and published several papers on the theory. Lately, she has also involved in the homelessness survey and service model development. Beside academic work, she also involved in advocating work for social work practitioners. Between 2003 and 2014, she served as the secretary and president of Taiwanese Association of Social Workers. She achieved progressively in advocating to the government for more manpower and better working environment in social service delivery. She also participated actively to develop licensing system and professional training for social workers in Taiwan. |
Year | Paper Title |
2022 | 李靜玲,鄭麗珍, 「就業脫貧」的發展脈絡及運作模式之借鏡—以美國加州CalWORKs為例, 財務社會工作與貧窮研究學刊, 2022 |
2020 | 林敬軒,鄭麗珍,朱崇信, 美國兒童少年保護服務分級回應模式來談臺灣的社安網篩派案機制, 《社區發展季刊》, 2020 |
2020 | 鄭麗珍, 以個案評估為基礎的資源管理和跨網絡合作, 《社區發展季刊》, 2020 |
2019 | 李靜玲、鄭麗珍、陳毓文, 社會網絡對經濟弱勢者就業之影響, 財務社會工作與貧窮研究學刊, vol. 1, pp. 1-38, 2019 |
2019 | Li-Chen Cheng, Policy innovation and policy realisation: the example of children future education and development accounts in Taiwan, Asian Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, vol. 1, pp. 48-58, 2019 |
2019 | 劉威辰,鄭麗珍, 社工教育、意識型態、貧窮歸因對社工系學生貧窮態度之影響, 《臺大社會工作學刊》, pp. 1-42, 2019 |
2017 | 陳玟如, 鄭麗珍, 飲鴆止渴的病人:徘徊於正規醫療與自助醫療的毒品使用者, 臺大社會工作學刊, pp. 47-92, 2017 |
2014 | 陳君儀,鄭麗珍, 影響癌友生活品質因素的研究:檢視增權條件的調節作用, 台灣衛誌, vol. 4, pp. 410-427, 2014 |
2013 | Zou, L.,Cheng, L., Lee, E.,Teyra, C., Chen, C. &Song, S., A comparetive study on assent-building policy diffusion in Korea and Taiwan, China Journal of Social Work, pp. 149-162, 2013 |
2010 | 鄭麗珍、黃泓智, 政府部門社工人力推估模式的初探, 社區發展季刊, pp. 95-113, 2010 |
2010 | 鄭麗珍、林子倫、陳昱志、張玉薇, 兒少保護體系的政府職能分工:美英台三國論述, 兒童及少年福利期刊, pp. 95-118, 2010 |
2010 | 鄭麗珍, 社會工作人員在災變事件中的角色, 社區發展季刊, pp. 89-100, 2010 |
2010 | Cheng, Li-Chen & Yang, Yun-Sheng, The homelessness in Taiwan, Culture and Society, pp. 165-173, 2010 |
2008 | 鄭麗珍, 社會工作專業發展與社會工作師證照的對話, 國家菁英季刊, vol. 4, pp. 127-140, 2008 |
2006 | 鄭麗珍, 「社會工作學門學術研習營」規劃案, 人文與社會科學簡訊, vol. 3, pp. 106-115, 2006 |
2006 | 鄭麗珍, 家暴社工的處境與問題, 性別平等教育季刊, pp. 12-18, 2006 |
2005 | 鄭麗珍, 有關監護權調查評估的指標, 社區發展季刊, pp. 141-151, 2005 |
Year | Paper Title |
2021 | Li-Chen Cheng, To Examine the relationship between Financial Literacy and Preparation for retirement among pre-aged people in Taiwan., 2022 Annual Conference by The International Society for Quality of Life Studies, 2021, United States of America |
2019 | Li-Chen Cheng, Engaging in Worker-Client Relationship: the Perspectives from social workers and clients in child protection context., The 7th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, 2019, Estonia |
2017 | Li-Chen, Cheng, How CPS workers make decision on risk assessment and case substantiation: Is it an objective or subjective reasoning?, Children in a World of Opportunities: Innovations in Research, Policy, and Practice: The 6th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicat, 2017, Canada |
2014 | 李靜玲、鄭麗珍, 臺灣社會救助法歷次修法對於貧窮人口組成的影響, Global Social Sciences Conference 2014, 2014, Hong Kong |
2014 | 陳玟如、鄭麗珍, 海洛英使用者就醫樣貌 – 我找誰治病?, Global Social Sciences Conference 2014, 2014, Hong Kong |
2014 | Li-Chen Cheng, How important to provide family support for the ex-offenders on their re-entry adjustment?, Global Social Sciences Conference 2014, 2014, Hong Kong |
2014 | Chun-Yi Chen, Li-Chen Cheng, Direct and Buffering Effects of Empowerment Among Cancer Survivors, Vulnerable family and Care-Challenges and opportunities in Cross Culture perspectives, 2014, Taiwan |
2010 | 鄭麗珍, 探討老年經濟安全準備與理財知能之關連:理財教育介入方案, 預見下一個台灣社會, 2010, Taiwan |
2009 | Li-Chen Cheng, Global Recession and Assets Disparities between the Poor and the Rich, Asian Social Protection in Comparative Perspective, 2009, Singapore |
2009 | Li-Chen Cheng, Building Assets for Poor Young People: A Comparative Perspective., "All Change for Young People?" Media, Market, Mobility, Models of Practice., 2009, Ireland |
2007 | Li-Chen Cheng, How much is adequate for retirement? It is determined by Social Status, NSC-IIAS Conference: Public and private old-age security arrangements in Asia and Europe, 2007, Netherlands |
2007 | 鄭麗珍, 社會工作人員的人身安全議題關注與因應提議, 2007高風險家庭處遇之社會工作者人身安全建構研討會, 2007, Taiwan |
2006 | 鄭麗珍, 資產累積方案在兒童脫貧之運用, 「別讓貧窮拖垮他─兒童貧窮與脫貧方案國際交流研討會計畫書」實務研討會, 2006, Taiwan |
2006 | 鄭麗珍, 面對少子化與高齡化社會的福利趨勢, 新竹市政府95年度辦理身心障礙者及老人福利研討會, 2006, Taiwan |
2006 | Li-Chen Cheng, Global recession and assets disparities between the poor and the rich in Taiwan: Building Assets for All, Growth and Inequality, held by the 33 International Congress of Schools of Social work, 2006, Chile |
2006 | 鄭麗珍, 家庭機制的轉型與挑戰, 台北市政府社會局50週年回顧與展望研討會, 2006, Taiwan |
2005 | 鄭麗珍, 「台北市家庭發展帳戶」方案發展與儲蓄成效, 2005春季國際論壇•21世紀社會政策新理念, 2005, China |
Year | Book Title |
2022 | 鄭麗珍,潘淑滿, 社會個案工作:理論與實務工作手冊, 台北:雙葉書廊, 2022 |
2021 | 鄭麗珍, 家庭社會工作,社會工作與臺灣社會, 巨流, 2021 |
2021 | 宋麗玉,曾華源,施教裕,鄭麗珍, 社會工作理論—處遇模式與案例分析(五版), 洪葉出版社, 2021 |
2019 | Li-Chen Cheng, Policy innovation and policy realisation: the example of children future education and development accounts in Taiwan.,Inclusive Child Development Accounts: Toward Universality and Progressivity, London: Routledge, 2019 |
2018 | 6. Michael Sherraden, Li-Chen Cheng, Fred M. Ssewamala, Youngmi Kim, Vernon Loke, Li Zou, Gina Chowa, David Ansong, Lissa Johnson, YungSoo Lee, Michal Grinstein, International Child Development Accounts., Oxford University, 2018 |
2010 | Cheng, Li-Chen, Building Assets for the Poor: An Example of Action Research,Symposium on rethinking poverty and social mobility, Civil Service College, 2010 |
2009 | Li-Chen Cheng, Building assets for the poor in Taiwan: policy innovation from income to assets,Social Policy and Poverty in East Asia: The Role of Social Security, Routledge, 2009 |
2008 | 鄭麗珍, 個案管理,家庭支持服務, 國立空中大學, 2008 |
2007 | 鄭麗珍, 資產累積福利理論,兩岸三地社會政策—理論與實務, 中文大學出版社, 2007 |
2005 | 林萬億, 孫健忠, 王永慈, 鄭麗珍, 自立脫貧操作手冊,自立脫貧操作手冊, 內政部, 2005 |